Thursday, November 20, 2003

Japanese Molest Rapid

evosonic @ 2003-11-20T23: 48:00

remember how in first grade, little boys would chase little girls around the playground, but whenever they catch one, they get all confused and wouldn't know what to do with them?
that's, basically, my love life.

Monday, August 11, 2003

I Hit My Head Bad Pain In Head

hm ... i do not know this movie ...

hedwig and the angry inch
Your romance is more of a love that needs to bloom
within, just like Hedwig of Hedwig and the
Angry Inch. The film features an East German
transsexual who is seeking her "other
half" after constant betrayal. You must
love yourself before you can need another.
You're starting to realize this, along with the
fact that you don't need a significant other to
be a complete person. Your "other
half" has been inside you all along.

What Romance Movie Best Represents Your Love Life?
brought to you by Quizilla

Sunday, June 29, 2003

Place To Get Nails Done For Cheap In Brampton


[R]emembering is not the re-excitation of innumerable fixed, lifeless and fragmentary traces. It is an imaginative reconstruction, or construction, built out of the relation of our attitude towards a whole active mass of organised past reactions or experience, and to a little outstanding detail which commonly appears in image or in language form.

Sir Frederick Charles Bartlett (1932). Remembering . Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press (p.213).

Tuesday, June 10, 2003

Do They Sell Shredded Beef Jerky In Stores

evosonic @ 2003-06-10T13: 32:00

no use to chase me - I'm faster. With ambush does not help, I'll let not catch me. I am voluntarily or not. I'm lucky.

often do you search in the wrong place for me, you run right past me, some stupid drip afterwards that will make you unhappy.
Do not you know that I come from you alone, especially when you are not crunching with me? And you can not understand that love is just one of my many possibilities ?

I am the High, the noise, the kick. A constant drop of a sure foundation. I am the meaning of life, the golden moment. I will tell you whom I give great moments, and why.

Once I was fresh snow. Jenny, 15 years, came from the cinema on the lighted street. The city sounds were muffled, sounded somewhere music. And Jenny looked stunned at her silver city. They felt rich and free and enjoyed every step. For the first time she thought, I'm happy, I think she has even called loudly.
Many want to know how you get to take me. And so life now, many researchers expect to discover myself. But they are still at Beginning. There is no formula for something like me. But a few elements of my complicated chemical known already:
energy and good humor, relaxation and optimism. What
measure the researchers, however, is not more than my shadow. The profound reason for my appearance in this or that ecstatic moment, defies scientific analysis. I value my mystery. Strange, my children never ask why I visit. Add me as a natural thing in the world, such as soft snow and blue sky. So it's fun to make them happy. As I wait for a joyful shock under the pillow.
adults with severe tu I, the first child's rapture to beat, is nearly impossible. I also hunters, chase up to me, are also an abomination, as the infidels who can not make me alone. One thing is: I prefer self-confident people who like themselves.
Happy people, even the scientists have found to keep themselves more attractive and intelligent than unhappy. Feat, I give them energy and charisma, stress and anxiety are the opposite of happiness.
Who has a garden, which I give a lot of rapt hours, the smell of the earth, the joy in everything that grows and thrives. Who loves this, find me as well.
climbers I give at the top of the target Kick. Careerists me confused with status and income. You wonder why I go with them scurry and sweat out of his way. Among us: the air-conditioned offices, underground garages and endless standing banquets are not my preferred terrain.
restrained I react on compulsory exercises. For complex functions such as weddings and New Year I feel as catalog products. Also on lies and self-deception, I do not react. This is the reason why I am only sometimes Christmas.
The wealth leaves me cold, has long known. The fact is proven time to time. Shall state millionaires in America are a few percentage points less happy than average Americans. Not that I preferred poverty. But the satisfaction of the beautiful and rich can be dangerous. Who is bored, is put on silly ideas. Happiness drugs for example, have to do with me at all. Designer luck to swallow? If it were not so sad to be laughable.
I am not edible or drinkable times and certainly not for sale.
meet with the simple things of a different kind I sit with no particular reason behind the sleepy look of a mother who watches her child after work while painting. Or behind the young couple who have created their own home and now proudly considered the first selbstgesäten plants.
course I enjoy from time to time the big show. Then I drive to you with tears in his eyes, the pulse is quicker, his throat is dry. My very first appearance is nothing other than stress.
course just newly in love have a right to my company. This has been times my daily business. I'm just reward for their courage. Too bad that many so cling to me, that I run out of air. I can not gild every day and every minute!
There are circumstances that are very unhappy and I just grab one. It's very long ago, I met Mary. She was at war for months 17 and went home on foot. By smoking a wounded landscapes, with hunger in the belly and the Hope that the house of her grandmother is still standing. She turned into the road and it was surrounded by piles of rubble. As they danced and sang that other people have shaken their heads.
glad I comfort those who allow it. It was no coincidence that I was reunited with Julia after a long absence in their car. Because I like to drive car. When driving, people think about their life after they feel it strong, focused and happy. Julia thus lead her heartache home. She was sick in the head and made himself a migraine ready to attack. But suddenly, a jolt went through her body. She thought something new. I will not be unhappy. You accelerated, moved tentatively the mouth up, and behold: they held. I was sitting in the wings, because they suddenly remembered what a great wife. She took me home with in the bathtub, her pale body is looked at again accurate and signed up for fitness. I like it because I love it when the hormones whizzing in sports through the veins and the man gets a good feel for themselves.

And you make me not feel guilty now if I did not care of you for a while. Remember dear, when I was last with you. It is certainly not so long ago, as you might think.

your happiness

(Author unknown)

Sunday, June 1, 2003

Can Prostate Cancer Cells Grow In A Petri Dish

she's the one

emma de caunes

yes, that's her. by far my most beautiful (distr) actress-discovery since months ....

Conceiving And Chicken Pox

"and what are you doing?"

one of the things that I hate, since I was in the 30s (* gulp *) I, is that the more people talk only about what they "do" so. was yesterday at the wedding of my friends knew jakob except j. and his girlfriend (now wife) really have no one, started with a few attempts at communication or accepted and almost all was the second question "and what are you doing?" * Rolling eyes * I naturally unwound my standard program and at first made of the courtesy to ask although I am not really interested. I will not be arrogant, but honestly, why not talk to people about what they like, what books do you find good, what movies, where they were already on vacation? I get out of it when I know that my senior project manager in relation to 'Ner enterprising advice (what to say to me about the people?)? it works not to know about it, but to mark out boundaries and classify themselves ("Have I the biggest ?")?.
well, but later people still made, with which one could palaver about relevant things. Oh yes: and nice flamenco dancers! (About something important to tell)

Tuesday, May 27, 2003

Motorcycle Tie Down Chuck

pic of the day

wish i were here

Monday, May 26, 2003

How To Figure Out Where Bathing Suits Are From


oh man .... (Or want to understand), I hate days where one does not feel is going on that no one understands sau. either you feel like an insensitive elephant in a china shop, or you have to admit to himself that one obviously has an extreme communication problem.
and again I do not know what will be worse of two ... is it normal that one is condemned to the same days at such indecision in respect to self-rating? logically it would be. only: since when I am logically

Sunday, May 25, 2003

Midpriced Surround Sound

poem of the day

Breathes there the man with soul so dead Who never to himself hath
This is my own, my native land (?)! Whose heart hath ne'er within
him burn’d
As home his footsteps he hath turn’d
From wandering on a foreign strand?
If such there breathe, go, mark him well!
For him no minstrel raptures swell;
High though his titles, proud his name,
Boundless his wealth as wish can claim,
Despite those titles, power, and pelf,
The wretch, concentred all in self,
Living, shall forfeit fair renown,
And, doubly dying, shall go down
To the vile dust from whence he sprung,
Unwept, unhonour’d, and unsung.

Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832)

Saturday, May 24, 2003

Has Anyone Ever Cashed Out On Bodog

grand prix d'€ vision

furchtbar, wie sich deutschland dort präsentiert hat. und ein echter skandal, dass wir dafür überhaupt stimmen bekommen haben.
lou sieht so aus wie gollum aus herr der ringe *schauder*

Vitamin D Deficiency Kidney Cysts

kenny hawkes - play the game
2 raumwohnung - weil es liebe ist
Chicane - Low Sun

Birthday Verses For The Elderly

tracks of the day to listen to "cafe del mar" ...

gives me the feeling, like i am in vacation, somewhere on a sunny island, feeling the warm breeze of the air coming from the ocean and tickling my skin. i am together together with nice and relaxed people....

gosh, i love daydreaming....

well, a new day has begun. i'll try to work some more on my project, while trying to keep that feeling of my daydream inside of me. should be do-able.... =)

Friday, May 23, 2003

Can You Be Born With Gastroenteritis?

at least ...

startet today, to actually describe the methods of my diploma (which i should have done like three weeks ago).

Kits Camera Vancouver Bc Granville Street

movie-quote of the day

"My job consists of basically masking my contempt for the assholes in charge and at least once a day retiring to the men's room so I can jerk off while I fantasize about a life that doesn't so closely resemble hell."

- Lester Burnam, American Beauty

Friday, April 11, 2003

Genital Tattoo Designs

evosonic @ 2003-04-12T02: 52:00

i need to get a life soon.
can't go on like this
no way
that's not me

Thursday, April 3, 2003

Do Lcd Prices Drop After The Superbowl

father-son-conflict on a big scale ....

"Extending the war into Iraq would have incurred incalculable human and political costs. We would have been forced to occupy Baghdad and, in effect, rule Iraq. The coalition would instantly have collapsed, the Arabs deserting in anger and other allies pulling out as well. Exceeding the U.N.'s mandate would have destroyed the precedent of international response to aggression we hoped to establish. Had we gone the invasion route, the U.S. could still be an occupying power in a bitterly hostile land. "

- From" Why We Did not Remove Saddam "by George Bush [Sr.] and Brent Scowcroft, Time Magazine, 1998

Saturday, March 29, 2003

How Much Does It Cost To Replace Headlights Cover

goodbye galina

yesterday goodbye galina seen in a very small theater. karen had the cards concerned. there were places for the 3rd row and I said to her "hey, cool, then we will be very front." However, the theater had only 3 series and so we sat in the back * gg
the piece I liked very tragic, but with many comic elements, it struck me again how actors themselves can bring tears to the theater so € such:..... very nice as I said, very small and the theater owner greets each person. must still like to see something there.
tonight I'm going to visit Cologne, Torsten. I really do not know what "real life" in going on. will let me enlighten times by him.