Tuesday, June 1, 2004

Monster Energy Machine

you my nerves

Na entdlich! I think out of the rotation with LJ. So here's my 10 minutes of fast background image with Yuki Eiri of Gravitation, which will remain for a while.

Have to say hardly anything. The day was like another. Yesterday was Monday and Whitsun so no school. However, no relief in sight. In a week are catching the end of exams: writing two weeks in a row all on exam paper what I have learned from January to May-_-. Well, this is not a celebration, * g *. The only bright spot in the whole thing, it's my last school year. Never again see these disks school and the people. To me, all the Nervous even my best Freuding. Since she has a boyfriend any day is counted for four days and dan they are 10 months together. Who cares? Wonder how long will that go? In one month there are the others and I shall ne dan fortitude. Ahh, yes, your last comment was: I can do me no picture of how it already is in love to be and you just want to be abhenging from each other. Yeah right, I call it weak Karakterzug they may be not even a minute without him. Einversucht? Not a bit!

Enough of the band aid. I have decided to write a long essay on white cross. My WK tick is so far vortexed changed ^ ^;. Is also a great possibility to be ross my contract of German to be polished. That's right, German is not my native language. Honestly, I have absolutely no mother tongue, which is raised to be in German, Russian, English and Dutch.

have this morning a thick letter from the University of Heidelberg get all info about my aufentchalt's won. Looking forward to the International German course. Get a lot of new people, hehe.

Werd ma disappear are already 22:00 * yawn *


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