the first weekend went back to the duesseldorf Körmen with schatzi to the oh-so-great to see fireworks at us for it then jokes in a mass of sweat and stupid (one of the little woman with the child since manmanman .... .. ^ ^ v) to squeeze through the entrance to Körner. Some people want it but just only hit in the face, although she has never seen before ... XD !
njoah on saturday then halfway down the wedding was tired toshi course there;)
maannn and I sweated in the state .. I even eklig.musste shirt change .. but was very nice to see the church wedding .. .. .. honking many people eat a lot .. (although I was thrilled because of it not so ) .. a band too loud funny .. people who are sitting opposite one ..^^.. but was very nice. ^ ^ I've also posted photos this time ...
on sunday then only in the city of ice and chilled gegessen.sonst nothing. ^ ^ That was the weekend ..
njoah else .. ne .. ^ ^ V.. I find internship slowly but surely what every boring day .. just the same -.-.. already stupid .. but nice people da.freu me even when this is over .. then it'll go with the study XDD. (and not even a bit of relaxation at TT fully unfair .. so hot weather! and I may work, while others enjoy their vacation with activities for all I know! ASSES !!!^^)
but despite everything I wish this much fun! .. and REMEMBER!
its all about the memories! TT
so now but once the fotos.schluss with the kitsch here:
my brother and I why I am not as thin TT
not hard to see where the bride is few. second row right outside my parents.
hachneee how sweet>. \u0026lt;
much sweeter ^ ^

wow OO
the stars of the evening .. ^ ^ really nice
* kiss kiss * ^ ^ oh
hair I dyed again XDD
and I've already said that I am back in the magic fever XD
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